Sermon: Let’s Activate the Power Within

Wanda L. Holmes - Feb 26, 2015

Scripture: Lamas Translation Holy Bible Genesis 1:26-27 and 2:7

Genesis 1:26-27
26 Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the foul of the air and over the cattle and over all the wild beast on the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:7
7 And the Lord God formed Adam out of the soil of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.

Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2:7, That concludes the reading of the scripture!

These scriptures are an allegory about the difficulties of being a part of the physical world and its challenges.  Allegories in general may not be actual people or events but they depict supreme spiritual truths.

My Theme Is: Let’s Activate the Power Within

So How Do We Activate the Power Within?

First, we have to know there is a power within each of us;
Secondly, we have to know and believe the power within is a God-given right;
Thirdly, we have to know, how to activate it, for it to be beneficial;
And Lastly, once we activated it, we will see the fruits of our essence.
God (Infinite Intelligence) created male and female in God’s image and formed Adam out of soil!  That means there are two aspects to human beings; an inner essence or being, called Spirit and an outer physical aspect called human.  You and I were made in the image of God!  Now that is powerful to be made in the image and likeness of God…..Pause

When I was much a teenager, I always knew there was something more to me.  I believed there was an inner power within me, I call it spirit.  I did not know how I was spirit, but I just had a feeling that I was.  I was told that the first man, who was Adam [metaphysically Adam represents feelings of being separate from God], was made out of soil and that I could read about it in the book of Genesis in the Bible. I read the first and second chapters of Genesis and thought the image of God was a man with two arms, two legs, a head, two eyes, one mouth, a nose, a beard, etc., you know the image of physical man.

But, God does not look like physical man.  God is Infinite Intelligence, Energy and Power and according to John 4:24, God is Spirit. God is in our inner essence.  I don’t want you to believe that looking like physical man is bad.  It’s not!  I was just made to believe that the physical man or the physical body was what the image of God was. 

The physical body is the temple that houses the inner spirit.  Although the human side is not bad, we must be mindful not to give our power away to the ego.  EGO is sometimes referred to as “Edging God Out”.  The ego personality if not balanced can be very limiting and does not like change, thereby, keeping us in a box.  Sometimes being in that box can be scary and sometimes we feel powerless.  The ego can provide an illusion of the brightness of the inner spirit as being very dim.  YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU KNOW!  Therefore, cultivate your ego by setting up personal boundaries to have balance.

Our inner essence, is the image and likeness of God which is our higher self.  In Luke 10:38-42, Jesus talks about how important the inner self is compared to the anxieties of the outer world.  The anxieties we concern ourselves with in our everyday lives.  When we focus on those anxieties we keep ourselves in the box.  Let’s let those anxieties go.

Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone talks about S.B. Fuller who was aware of his inner essence or his power within. S.B. Fuller as a child was a poor Negro tenant farmer.  He started working at the age of 5 and by the age of nine, he was driving mules.  Fuller’s mom repeated to him on more than one occasion “We shouldn’t be poor, S.B….And don’t ever let me hear you say that it is God’s Will that we are poor.  We are poor---not because of God.  We are poor because Father has never developed a desire to become rich.”   Those words resonated in his heart and within his inner spirit. 

After his tenant farming days, S.B. Fuller began to work as a soap sales man to make money.  He worked hard for many years and saved his money.  One day he was told that the soap company he worked for was going to be sold for $150,000 which was a lot of money back then. It probably equates to millions into today dollars.  He had saved $25,000 over the years.  He went to the owner of the soap company and asked if he could buy the soap company.  S.B. told the owner that he had saved $25,000 and if he could use it as a down payment to buy the company.  The owner said yes, with one stipulation.  He would take the deposit of $25,000 and give him 10-days to come up with the rest of the money which was $125,000.  If, at the end of the 10-day period he couldn’t come up with the rest of the money, he would lose his deposit.  S.B. Fuller agreed.  Why?  Because he had faith. He drew upon his inner spirit and he looked for signs from God.  He remembered what his mother had said many years ago, “We are poor---not because of God.  We are poor because Father has never developed a desire to become rich.”  

On the eve of the tenth day he had raised $115,000, but he was $10,000 short.  SB had exhausted every source of credit he knew. Instead of giving up, that night in the darkness of his room he knelt down and prayed.  He asked God to lead him to a person who would let him have $10,000 before time ran out.  He said to himself that he would drive down 61st Street until he saw the first light in a business establishment.  He then asked God to make the light, a sign, indicating His answer.” As he drove down 61st Street he saw a light in a window.  He went in and negotiated a deal and walked out with a check for $10,000. He had raised the $125,000 through creative means up until the eleventh hour.”  He trusted in his inner essence and in God, and was able to buy the company and turn it into a very profitable business.

We are all powerful co-creators with God, because we were made in God’s image and likeness and God lives within each and every one of us.    
God created Natural and Physical Laws like the Law of Gravity which control things in the earth’s gravitation force.  If a person steps off a tall building, the earth’s gravitation force will pull them to the ground and the contact with the ground will probably be painful.  The Law of Attraction is a Natural Law.  It states “Like Attracts Like”, what you think about and speak, you receive.  Therefore, understanding the Law of Attraction is important on how we speak over ourselves.  Being both physical and spiritual let us explore the steps we can take in using our inner essence to accomplish our dreams:
Step1. We must be mindful for what we say behind the words “I Am”. 

  1. If you say “I am poor ”.  The Law of Attraction must grant you your wish.  You will be poor.  It is God’s Natural Law.
  2. If you say “I am broke”.  The Law of Attraction must grant you your wish.  You will be broke.  It is God’s Natural Law.
  3. Now if you say “I am happy”.  The Law of Attraction must grant you your wish. You will be happy.  It is God’s Natural law.
  4. Now if you say “I am rich”.  The Law of Attraction must grant you your wish.  You will be rich.  It is God’s Natural law.

Let’s place positive words after “I AM” so that we can have good results in creating our world.
Step 2.Pay attention to your intuition.  Your guidance system, the one you were born with.  Listen to that still small voice or gut feeling. Quieting your mind will get you closer to that power within. 
Step 3.Be mindful to have a balanced “EGO”.  A Course In Miracles states: “The ego projects to exclude and therefore to deceive.”  Don’t let doubt and fear set into your mind and get rid of negative repetitive thinking.  

We all have the capacity to grow, using our inner essence.  We have a powerful creative inner essence within us.  It is up to the individual to use it.  Why let this gold mine go to waste.  This power within, is your God given right. We should use it to the best of our ability. And as co-creators we can create the type of lives that each and every one of us deserves and make all of our dreams come true. So now that we have the tools, Let’s Go Out and Activate the Power Within!

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